Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-30

Is it true that the changes to the Palmerston Urgent Care After-Hours Service will mean that patients who were once able to be treated at Palmerston by the aftercare staff between 6 pm and 10 pm will now be sent to RDH, once again increasing the waiting times at RDH because in many cases the GPs do not always do the same work that the aftercare staff presently do? Is it true that presently a rural patient who has a heart attack between 6 pm and 10 pm will now have to travel double the distance to RDH instead of being treated firstly by the staff at Palmerston Urgent Care After-Hours Service, as they do now, therefore putting that person’s life at greater risk? Has St John Ambulance been told not to stop at the Palmerston Super Clinic?


Madam Speaker, clearly the member for Nelson has a flea in his ear about this Palmerston Super Clinic. Let me make things abundantly clear for the member for Nelson. There will be no reduction in services at the Palmerston GP Super Clinic because of their extended hours. There will be an increase in services and better services will be provided. It is that simple.

These arrangements were not put in place by me. They were put in place by the previous Health minister who oddly enough seems to have no recall of putting those arrangements in place because only a couple of days ago he put out a media release questioning them.

Those arrangements have been contracted as part of the requirement for the Palmerston Super Clinic to extend their operating hours. It is that simple. I do not think the previous Health minister was across his brief because he did not know these fundamental things about the contract at the Palmerston Super Clinic.

I will repeat and make it abundantly clear. There will be no reduction in services at the Palmerston GP Super Clinic because of the reduction of hours in the urgent after hours care. There will be an increase and an improvement in the services delivered. All of the other things that you mentioned - scuttlebutt, about ambulances and people having heart attacks …

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! You are criticising my information as scuttlebutt. It is not scuttlebutt. It is the truth and you should visit the clinic.

Mr TOLLNER: Well, it is the truth according to Gerry. In most cases, as I say …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I would like the member to define which Gerry.

Mr TOLLNER: The pretty one. Actually, the member for Nelson. As I say, these arrangements were put in place by the previous government. I have no qualms with the arrangements. I have been to the GP Super Clinic and seen the service they provide. Robyn Cahill and her staff are doing a magnificent job there. There will be no reduction in services. I am stunned that the former Health minister had no clue about the arrangements that had been put in place at the Palmerston GP Super Clinic.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016