Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-08-25

Does the minister agree with the Labor Party that the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is a threat to Territorians?


Madam Speaker, I thank member for Blain for the question. The quick answer is no. I do not agree with the Labor Party and the position they have taken on the free trade agreement with China.

Foreign workers are the backbone of the Northern Territory in many ways. I visit the northern suburbs and I reckon half of the population there was born somewhere else in the world; there is a marvellous multicultural community in the Northern Territory. Free trade agreements have worked extraordinarily well for Australia in the past. This free trade agreement with China offers enormous opportunities to Territorians across the board.

Julia Gillard said the 21st century was the Asian century. China is the dominant economic power in our region and some suggest it will soon be the largest economy. Demand from China for our resources, food and services is enormous. Businesses across the Territory have benefited from this demand for decades. We are fantastically placed geographically to seize the opportunities this free trade agreement with China delivers for Australia in general.

I am somewhat offended by the Labor Party’s position on this free trade agreement. They will quite happily tell everyone who will listen that they believe in multiculturalism, but the minute there is a suggestion that Chinese people might come to Australia to work they suddenly have a desire to stop that. That is disgraceful. It is like their opposition to 457 visas. We all know Labor and the unions oppose 457 visas. These guys tend to walk very easily on both sides of the street.

I was in Canberra last week and heard a bit of the debate in parliament there. The highest intake ever of people on 457 visas was under the Gillard government. The current Coalition government has reduced the number of 457 visas by more than 9000 since coming to government. It is interesting that 41 of these 457 visas were for union jobs. Guess what the most common job was? Workplace relations adviser.

Whilst they say they do not like Asian people coming here and taking our jobs, when in government they are quite happy to back it to the hilt.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016