Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-03-16

The increase in antisocial behaviour in Palmerston and across Darwin is a direct result of your policies. In your annual report there are fewer police on the streets in 2014-15 than in 2012-13. Police Association Executive Officer, Paul McCue, told radio this morning:
    Our members are telling us now that they regularly see Katherine locals in Darwin because they access the alcohol far easier now.

Will you now admit your failed policies are directly responsible for the spike in antisocial behaviour across Darwin and Palmerston?


Madam Speaker, it is easy to stir these conversations up and try to put fear into people. I know that is what you are doing. You talk about the northern suburbs and Palmerston a lot.

I will read part of a transcript of commentary by Superintendent Daniel Shean from the Palmerston police station regarding crime in Palmerston. I know there are many people in Palmerston – I will talk about the northern suburbs in the next answer – who talk about crime. Crime has not gone; there is not a zero crime element. But crime is going down. The number of break-ins, people in protective custody and people who are drunk on our streets is going down. It is not perfect but it is continuing to get better.

Superintendent Shean attended a meeting with concerned residents of Rosebery on 17 January this year. He asked that meeting of concerned residents, ‘How many unlawful entries do you think there have been in Rosebery since 1 July 2015?’ Attendees answered with a range between 80 and 250. One resident stated every house had been broken into at least once. Superintendent Shean advised the residents that there had been 20 residential properties in Rosebery and 10 properties in Bellamack unlawfully entered since 1 July 2015. I am advised that apart from one person who stated that it is obvious that people are not reporting it to police, the remaining residents were surprised.

When I look through some of the data that comes through the JES Communications Centre, police report that calls to police have been going through the roof for the last five to seven years. That has much to do with mobile phone technology and more people ringing up about crimes. Numbers are going through the roof, but instances of crime are not necessarily causing that.

With the communication, the commentary on Facebook, Twitter and social media, everybody is talking about high levels of crime. But when we go through the specific numbers we see the crime figures are not higher. It is not to say we are not providing an approach and increasing and improving levels of police. For example, Strike Force Trident, which is based at the Casuarina police station, is doing a great job in reducing crime. It has seven of its Strike Force Trident members based at Palmerston, particularly focusing on reducing property crime there.

As I said earlier, crime is down right across the board, whether it is property crime, assaults, motor vehicle theft, homicide or alcohol-related crime. I am happy to continue to go through a range of statistics. I have a lot of information I am happy to share with members of the opposition …

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016