Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2014-03-19

Madam Speaker, yesterday the member for Nelson asked a question in relation to asbestos removal on Elcho Island. I now have more information. On 19 December 2013 Michael Halkitis wrote to David McHugh, CEO of the Department of Infrastructure, making accusations against A & K Kathopoulis Builders. The allegations stated workers were forced to demolish asbestos from two houses without the workers having qualifications and the stages of certifying inspections had not been completed properly.

I can inform the member for Nelson, and the House, NT WorkSafe investigated the allegations and confirmed a licensed asbestos removalist had completed the job in November 2013. The removalist was accredited with NT WorkSafe to remove the type of asbestos identified. Further, NT WorkSafe met with the complainant and confirmed the correct process had been followed by the removalist.

NT WorkSafe did not attend the site, however, a statutory declaration was received from the accredited asbestos removalist confirming he and his employees had removed all asbestos material.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016