Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOLLNER - 2016-03-16

Madam Speaker, yesterday I was asked a question by the member for Nelson which I took on notice. The question related to the Commonwealth looking at selling off a large parcel of land along the Stuart Highway at the 11 Mile. The member for Nelson wanted to know what, if any, discussions had taken place with Defence on the future use of that land and what we are considering using it for.

Member for Nelson, the property you referred to is Section 5122, Portion 1157, Hundred of Bagot. It is, as he said, owned by the Commonwealth. The site is 75 ha in size and provides some general industrial development along the Stuart Highway. A future road and rail corridor has been identified through the site. That corridor can be achieved at any future time during a subdivision process.

The site is currently marked for sale by the Commonwealth. The department of Lands has advised the Commonwealth that we are not interested, at this stage, in purchasing that site ...

Mr Wood: What will it be used for?

Mr TOLLNER: That will be up to the purchaser to determine, member for Nelson.

Ms Lawrie: Zoning determines it, you fool.

Mr Wood: You are the minister for zoning.

Ms Lawrie: Zoning determines the use, you idiot!

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Karama, withdraw that please.

Ms LAWRIE: I withdraw.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016