Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2015-08-27

Apparently you have been doing some ‘secret’ work as well, because you have some ‘secret’ scientists working in ‘secret’ laboratories to come up with ‘secret’ technology, which this government is investing in to ensure the safety of all Territorians. Can you please blow the lid off this massive ‘secret’ and explain how we are committed to making the Northern Territory a safe place? What technology have we been investing in?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. As the member for Blain touched on, the Country Liberal government is putting the safety of Territorians first. We are committed to making the Territory a safe place to live, work and play.

Cutting-edge facial recognition technology is making it harder for criminals to get away with their offences and it is helping police to keep Territorians safe. It was fantastic to see this technology in action during the lunch break today, along with the Chief Minister and the Police Commissioner, Reece Kershaw. Investment in this technology and equipment enables police to have the tools they need to solve, prevent and reduce crime.

This new facial recognition software has already helped police identify …

Ms Walker interjecting.

Mr CHANDLER: If you are good, member for Nhulunbuy, you will not end up on there, but I cannot see that being the case for much longer.

Like fingerprinting, facial recognition is a form of identification that allows a computer to quickly match similar faces based on facial features. Footage and images captured on CCTV footage can be submitted to the Northern Territory Police facial recognition team. They can load it into the system for analysis and comparison with existing images within the database. About 100 000 images have been copied into the system database from existing police information holdings, with the first part of the trial in early 2015 successfully identifying around 300 individuals from photos from CCTV footage. The technology is helping reduce investigation times by enabling investigators to quickly identify or eliminate suspects soon after a crime has been committed. It can also assist police to identify missing persons who suffer Alzheimer’s or other similar health issues and can assist police in getting them into care.

The second phase of the trial incorporates a new application that has been designed by police to provide a fast and accurate identification system to be used within the custodial arena. Rapid identification of people coming into custody is important, especially when making assessments on the person’s suitability for custody, based on accurate health alerts that may relate to the person. This enhances the capability to provide a safer custodial environment for all concerned. The software has assisted NT police in identifying a man who stole goods from a commercial premises at Casuarina Village, identified by CCTV footage; a man who stole fishing gear; a person who entered Charles Darwin University; and it assisted with identifying an unconscious man admitted to Royal Darwin Hospital after being seriously assaulted.

The technology is reducing the investigation times by enabling investigators to quickly identify or eliminate suspects soon after a crime has been committed. The continuation of the facial recognition trial followed the recent introduction of mobile CCTV cameras. It is all part of the Country Liberal government’s plans to crack down on crime and make our streets safer.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016