Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VATSKALIS - 2012-10-24

Police used to have the power to ban drink-drivers, domestic violence offenders and people who committed alcohol-related crime from purchasing takeaway alcohol. Why have you taken that power away from the police? Can you table the advice from the Police Commissioner on the effect of scrapping the Banned Drinker Register?

Mr MILLS: Sorry, I missed the thrust of your question. You want me to table some advice from the Police Commissioner for your satisfaction?
    Mr VATSKALIS: Madam Speaker, I will repeat it. Can the Chief Minister table the advice from the Police Commissioner on the effect of scrapping the Banned Drinker Register? What did he tell you would happen if you scrapped the Banned Drinker Register? I would like you to table that advice.


    Right. Be careful what you ask for.
    Madam Speaker, I will not verbal the Police Commissioner here, but if given the choice between a scheme that did not work and being given extra resources (like 120 extra police), and being given a direction, a policy focus that will really bear an effect on the problem in real terms, what do you reckon his choice would have been? Real tools: 120 extra police and that is the best thing we could do; strengthen law and order, and strengthen our focus on those who are causing us a problem and then giving a stronger direction and greater resources to the police force - a far better tool than a scheme that did not work.
    Last updated: 09 Aug 2016