Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2012-10-30

Can you set out for the House the importance of a three-hub economy now and for the future prosperity of the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for this important question. It is important to note that it is not just the Territory government that is focused on delivering prosperity for the future, but that our unique positioning is recognised in the recent release of the Commonwealth White Paper, Australia in the Asian Century

The report outlined, in particular, that the Commonwealth was preparing to:
    Work together with business and the Northern Territory government to accelerate Darwin’s evolution as a sophisticated, liveable city built around a gateway to Asia, and a regional hub for a large number of goods and services, through coordinated infrastructure, planning, and international engagement activities.

My government has already moved to capitalise on our vision for a three-hub economy servicing the Territory and engaging the region. While the Commonwealth White Paper identifies opportunities such as the proximity to Asia, natural attributes, potential sites for new ports, and expanding the liquefied natural gas processing industry, I am heartened by our concrete commitment to increasing opportunities for businesses, for workers in the mining and energy sector, and the attached benefits that will flow through the whole community.

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! In the interest of time in Question Time, I ask the Chief Minister to table the notes he is speaking from.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Continue, Chief Minister.

Mr MILLS: The White Paper goes on to say:
    ... great opportunities to become a world-leading centre for engineering, financial, medical and education services.

My government has already committed to increasing tourism and education opportunities as part of our plan for a three-hub economy. When it is said that:
    Australian food producers and processors will be recognised globally as innovative and reliable producers of more and higher-quality food and agricultural products, services and technology to Asia.

nothing can be more certain than my government’s commitment to increase the scale of agricultural production in the Northern Territory and our commitment to the pastoral sector.

Madam Speaker, my government welcomes the release of the White Paper, Australia in the Asia Century. We have already recognised the need for us to improve our relations with our trading partners, and the specific need to widen our focus from just trade with China or Japan.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016