Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-10-24

Chief Minister, during the campaign the last point of your five-point action plan was to be accountable. However, you have appointed all your mates to jobs as CEs in the public service without advertising those positions, you have used taxpayers’ money to pay for your political ads, you have sacked the Coordinator-General, Olga Havnen, you have sacked the external monitoring committee overseeing the implementation of the board of inquiry into child protection, and you are still avoiding the media.

Given you have directly contradicted all five points in what I will table as your five-point action plan, given you have been hiding from the media, and given you have sacked anyone in a position to oversight the actions of government, how is this accountable?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Opposition for her question. I was in the media about 45 minutes ago. I am in the media regularly and will not need to respond any further to that strange assertion.

I am glad you have noticed the five-point plan because Territorians have that action plan and the last point is accountability. I am asking Territorians to recognise they have made a decision and to judge us on performance.

You can question all you like the decisions made; we can account for every one of them. However, at the end of the day, the decisions made by this government - and a number of important decisions have been made in the best interests of the Territory - you judge on performance. You see what occurs as a result of this change of government. There have been decisions, as you have outlined, and you could spend the whole time in this parliament arguing every aspect of the decisions made. Judge us by the outcome.

Judge us by the result in four years’ time. We had a government in the Territory for well over 10 years and as much as you would like to pretend and conceal it from view, we have been left with a monumental mess on every front with a disorganised, ill-focused policy direction which provided no change, just a spin campaign to con Territorians. Well, the game is up. Judge us on performance. There will be results.

I have put many systems in place which will provide confidence to the community we are governing for the whole Northern Territory. We are not governing for the interests of a ruling party - the former Labor Party.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016