Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-03-28

Do you truly believe that in the last seven months there has not been a stark increase in alcohol-related violence, antisocial behaviour, and vandalism in the Northern Territory, whether it is in Alice Springs or Darwin? Are you seriously telling Territorians there has not been an increase?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for her question. I know the Leader of the Opposition and Labor is telling everyone things are getting worse. Police statistics show that alcohol-related antisocial incidents have decreased by 15.2% in Darwin and Palmerston.

We know there is a problem and we are not walking away from it. We are trying to deal with people with substance misuse and abuse issues. Those people are victims and we want to put solutions in place to help them. Emotionally, that is what we want to do. That is the framework we are moving towards.

You want to stir up trouble and get people’s emotions beating when incidents are decreasing. What is happening is not good enough, but things are improving and the framework we will announce very soon will make many changes to getting drunks off the streets and making the lives of those people who have chronic alcohol abuse problems much better.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016