Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

MS FYLES - 2012-10-24

How will you protect the most vulnerable in our community, the children, who cannot vote in your election to reintroduce full-strength beer into their communities. How will they be heard?


Is this based on the assumption that parents do not care for their children? The parents who we would be inviting to be part of a very important decision? Unlike the Labor party, who knows best and would prefer to take a paternalistic approach and decide for Aboriginal people and do not allow them into a conversation, we will take a different approach because we value people. We would allow people, if they wish, to have that conversation. A meeting I had at Maningrida two weeks ago ...

Ms Walker: No, you said a vote.

I would, because I value people. In a meeting I had at Maningrida two weeks ago - a very special meeting - they wanted someone to treat them with respect, which we will. And having established that, work together and not rush. That is the approach we will take.

I have been to communities where the mothers want to start talking about this. They have very genuine concerns and fears because of their memories. Those messages and conversations must be allowed to occur.

There are others who have different views, but the whole community needs to be allowed in on this conversation. That is the different approach that the Country Liberals will take, by recognising that they are all Territorians and they are all able to be involved in decision-making, unlike the Labor Party who knows best, runs over the top, takes a paternalist approach and removes the lifeblood of a community, including parents. They should be allowed to be involved in that conversation and we will permit it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016