Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2013-05-14

I was approached by a travel agent yesterday who threw her hands up in dismay because she has no idea what the government is doing with the pensioner travel concession scheme. She is not the only one. I have been contacted by many constituents as well. Have the details of the new travel scheme finally been sorted out? If so, when will they be published so pensioners and travel agents know what they are?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. The travel agents of the Northern Territory have been informed of the changes we have made to the Pensioner and Carer Concession Scheme. I had that confirmed earlier this morning. My office has received a number of calls from fairly unhappy travel agents saying they are not happy we have made this a very tight scheme in which mismanagement or misuse of those funds cannot occur into the future.

The Health website has very clear information about how this scheme will operate. I feel confident the Department of Health has provided adequate information throughout the community. If people have a problem with accessing it, I am sure they could contact the Department of Health and have a discussion with various people within that section.

For the member for Nelson and other people who are concerned, I feel that perhaps they are not looking in the right place to access information.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016