Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-10-30

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE (Mines and Energy): Last week the member for Nelson asked a question in this House and part of that question was taken on notice. I am in a position to provide an answer to that. I will quote the question:
    My question relates to the Mt Todd Gold Mine. Minister, with proposals to reopen and expand the Mount Todd mine, will an environmental impact statement be required by your department and if so, has that process started?
Vista Gold submitted a notice of intent to the Department of Mines and Energy for development of an operating mine. The notice of intent was referred to the Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment, which determined that the project requires an environmental impact statement. The company is in the process of preparing a draft EIS and is expected to submit the draft during the second quarter of 2013. Vista Gold is in the process of completing a bankable feasibility study for the project. The results of the bankable feasibility study are expected to be released in the first quarter of 2013.

The government will endeavour to ensure best practice is applied to Vista Gold’s Mt Todd site. Mt Todd is a legacy mine and the government is committed to working with the industry to resolve environmental challenges.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016