Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2016-03-16

Antisocial behaviour is out of control across the Northern Territory. When asked about police numbers on Mix 104.9 FM today Paul McCue of the NT Police Association said:
    … in black and white the numbers are less than they were three years ago.
For us that is a significant concern. Since October last year there have been 35 resignations and retirements. I believe we are not keeping up with attrition. That not only impacts immediately, but also in the longer term, on addressing things like antisocial behaviour.

You promised 120 additional police within your first three years and have failed to deliver. Will you now admit the increase in crime is a direct result of your failed policies and broken promises?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Opposition for his question. I also thank him for bringing law and order to the debate.

Starting from the premise of our commitment to increase police numbers by 120, it is important to point out that that increase is above and beyond what Labor had when it left government. When Labor left government …

Ms Fyles: Another broken promise from you.

Mr GILES: Well, you asked the question, I am happy to answer it.

When you left government crime was at record levels across the Territory. We had a Banned Drinker Register that was not working, chronic alcohol consumption which was destroying people’s lives, property break-ins and assaults were through the roof, and homicides and other crimes were escalating.

I am happy to provide some information. Squad No 128 commenced training on 5 November 2015. I had a chance to catch up with them last Friday at the academy. A total of 34 are expected to graduate from that squad on 12 May 2016. We are just about at 120 and this squad will get us close to that number ...

Mr Gunner: According to the NT Police Association the number is lower now than in 2012.

Mr GILES: I encourage you to get a briefing from police. They will tell you their staffing numbers. I am happy to …

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: I hear the interjections, and they are reflective. They get their information about crime from the radio – all respect to the radio. They get information for their policies from the Country Liberals, which they clearly plagiarise.

Let us look at crime; I am happy to talk about it. Alcohol-related assaults are down 9% in Darwin, 22% in Palmerston and 27% in Katherine. I have spoken about Alice Springs and Tennant Creek many a time. Domestic violence in Darwin is down 11%, 13% in Palmerston and 23% in Katherine. I spoke about the Katherine figures yesterday.

The Leader of the Opposition said he heard something on radio and led Question Time with a question about a radio interview about crime. I am happy to tell you there are 34 recruits graduating in May this year. Crime is down across the Territory. Property crime, assaults, the number of people being picked up for protective custody – no doubt there will be a few more questions and I look forward to answering them.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016