Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr VOWLES - 2014-02-19

The Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, under the Chairmanship of Mr Bernard Abbott, has worked to responsibly balance the needs of sacred site custodians with the business needs of developers. The AAPA has a key role in facilitating the planning and development of hundreds of projects across the Territory. You have admitted you are reviewing the role of AAPA, but you have not revealed the real reasons. How will your proposed changes to the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act affect how AAPA protects sacred sites, and what control measures has the Chief Minister asked you to consider as part of your review?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Johnston for the question. I have enjoyed getting my head around the challenges facing this portfolio, including what the member has raised today. The sacred sites authority, AAPA, is one organisation which means a great deal to Aboriginal people, me and the members for Namatjira, Arnhem and Arafura. I note the member’s question raised the issue of AAPA. This is an important issue for all of us and one I am happy to listen to the member’s concerns about, and consider them.

First, let me thank the staff and Dr Ben Scambary of the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority for their hard work, also Bernard Abbott, who I know is very sick.

AAPA is known for its capacity to negotiate outcomes and situations where development and sacred sites coincide. The former Minister for Regional Development initiated a reform process to identify legislative amendments to the Sacred Sites Act to be put forward for Cabinet consideration. This process was undertaken through consultation with key stakeholders, including the board of AAPA.

Let me be clear, I have no plans to sack the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority Board. This is another hysterical beat-up by the opposition, devoid of facts and ideas.

I want to ensure the Sacred Sites Act balances the preservation and enhancement of Aboriginal culture with the economic, cultural and social advancement of the Territory. The current structure of the authority supports this process, but there could be further efficiencies to benefit the authority and its stakeholders.

I have no role in the review. I have been advised the report is being prepared by AAPA and I look forward to receiving it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016