Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-12-01

The dumping of your Treasurer by the CLP comes hot on the heels of the announcement by the Attorney-General that he will not be contesting the next election. This comes after your former Tourism minister, the member for Greatorex, also said he is not contesting the next election. The members for Namatjira, Araluen, Goyder and Arnhem have all deserted the CLP since the knifing of Mr Mills in Japan. Nine of your colleagues voted to have you removed as Chief Minister. How can Territorians have any confidence in your ability to deliver stable and competent government when it is clear your own colleagues in your party, past and present, clearly do not?

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 109(3)(a); this requests nothing more than an expression of opinion from the Chief Minister and should be ruled out of order accordingly.

Madam SPEAKER: No, he is asking for some factual information. It is in order.


Madam Speaker, I am trying to reflect on what the question was. I do not think the Leader of the Opposition has learnt anything from today; he has not learnt anything from the past 12 months.

People are sick and tired of us talking about ourselves. If Dave is not running for the next election then he is not running. If John or the member for Greatorex, whose electorate will no longer be there, want to move onto something else, that is good. Good for them; they get an opportunity of having another part of their lives. You are so focused on what we are doing over here and you have lost focus on your side of the Chamber. That is part of the issue.

This morning you rolled out some deplorable policies which will hurt people, and you come in here and talk about us at Question Time. Think about something else.

Mr Gunner: Your Treasurer has just been sacked.

Mr GILES: Who cares if Dave is running again or not? You should be thanking Dave for bringing the budget back into surplus and paying back your debt. Offer something other than talking about politicians. Can you please come in here with some good debate?

I have had this conversation in the Chamber before. I had a chat with the Speaker some time ago, saying I want to work to improve the level of debate in the Chamber. We have to stop talking about ourselves. The general community does not like it and you are missing the point again and again. You came in here talking about yourself today, demanding to be the Chief Minister. You talk about softening your position on law and order, and now you come in here and talk about the member for Fong Lim.

Ms Fyles: And you cannot answer the question.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Gunner: The CLP has found the actions of your Treasurer wanting.

Mr GILES: Can you just be quiet? We all have renewal processes in our lives. We all have succession plans in team or work environments. If people are changing, that is well and good.

Your question was about trust. They have seen by our performance they can trust us to get fuel, housing and electricity prices down. They can trust us to bring crime levels down, bring out sports vouchers and Back to School vouchers, lead the economy, have the biggest health and education budgets the Territory has ever seen, and be the best party in this parliament. They can trust you to be the worst Opposition Leader we have ever seen.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016