Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-10-31

Everyone across Darwin is saying that Col Fuller is running the Territory with his sidekick, Barry Coulter. Exactly what roles have Col Fuller and Barry Coulter been appointed to? What are their salaries? Is it true they have taken over an entire floor of the Department of the Chief Minister and are deciding who gets the chop and who does not across government? What are their salaries and what is their budget? What do they receive for travel, and what are they spending on hospitality?

These are real questions about Col Fuller, your mate you handpicked and appointed into the government with his sidekick, Barry Coulter, who are running the Territory - and not you.


I am the Chief Minister, Leader of the Opposition. You may well ask all types of strange questions and make strange imputations. However, I have people around me who are providing quality support and guidance, and who are ensuring we can clean up effectively the mess we inherited from you. There are so many really big questions that …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. What are Col Fuller and Barry Coulter’s job titles, what are their salaries, what are their travelling entitlements, what is their hospitality, and have they taken over a floor of the Department of the Chief Minister?

Madam SPEAKER: Could you get to the point of the question please, Chief Minister.

Mr MILLS: No, they have not. They have not taken over an entire floor. They are, along with a number of quality people who have concern for the Territory right at the core of their being, serving the best interests of this government to deliver an appropriate direction to get us out of the mess you have put us in …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. Answer the question: what are their job titles, what are their salaries, what is their travel and hospitality?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr MILLS: The core of you question is: what are they doing? They are providing a level of support and advice to ensure this government has the capacity to get itself out of the problem you created. There are so many questions, Opposition Leader, left unanswered by you. There are more questions which should be going to you that you are going to shield ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. The Chief Minister is refusing to answer the question. He is refusing to give the job title of Col Fuller and Barry Coulter, the salaries for his old mates who are running the Territory, and what their travel and hospitality entitlements are. You have not yet confirmed what proportion of the Department of the Chief Minister they have taken over.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, you have the floor.

Mr MILLS: I will table those details because I have nothing to hide, unlike you. You have much to hide. We have a big job to do and need quality people to assist us with that. However, do not worry, we will make that information available to you if that is of your primary concern.

Madam Speaker, our primary concern is fixing the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016