Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-12-05

Can you tell the House of the government’s appointment of an expert literacy and numeracy panel to focus on the issues impacting teaching and learning in the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for her question. There is more good news when it comes to education from this new government. It is now accepted that the three Rs are considered extremely important to the success or otherwise of young people looking for work. The three Rs are critical to a good life. We all know that, reading, writing and arithmetic; excuse my annunciation of that.

The government is determined to provide every student in the Northern Territory with the optimal opportunity to succeed in their schooling. Indeed, the government has included in all school and regions an explicit literacy and numeracy component which sets negotiated targets.

Shortly after the election, the government identified the urgent need to appoint an expert panel on literacy and numeracy. This government recognised this is a critical part of planning for the future of Northern Territorians.

I can tell the House today the panel will be composed of national and Northern Territory numeracy and literacy experts, which is great news for the Territory. The panel will oversee a renewed focus on teaching and assessing the core competencies of reading, writing, and arithmetic, including a review of current practices.

Most importantly, the panel will develop explicit guidelines for literacy and numeracy teaching. Among the aims of the panel are: to provide strategic direction, future planning, and advice for the effective implementation of literacy and numeracy leadership and learning; oversee the ongoing implementation of the literacy and numeracy improvement policy; and provide advice on professional learning to assist teachers develop quality literacy and numeracy teaching in all learning areas.

The panel will include members from the Australian Association of English Teachers NT and the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers NT and other noted education groups.

Schools and teachers will be supported to de-clutter and prioritise curricula, offerings, and analysed data through in-class coaching and mentoring.

The government will do everything it can to ensure every student is given the opportunity to succeed in life.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016