Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-12-05

You justified your registration increases of up to $105 a year on national averages. With the price of petrol in the Northern Territory so much higher than down south, do you really think Territorians would agree with you?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Opposition for her question - a peculiar question it is. You had 11 years to preside over the price of fuel in the Northern Territory - 11 years to do something about bringing it down to at least something reasonable that equates to the real cost of bringing fuel to the Territory ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. It was her $105 registration hike and whether or not Territorians will agree with her.

Madam SPEAKER: Treasurer, you have the call.

Mrs LAMBLEY: The price of fuel we can thank the former government for. They did nothing to try to stem the escalating increases to the price fuel.

In answering the question the Leader of the Opposition has posed, our increases to the motor vehicle registration levies have been very reasonable. There have been no increases apart from CPI increases for 16 years. For 16 years, apart from CPI increases, there has been no increase in motor vehicle registration fees.

Sixty-seven dollars per year additional registration for small cars and $105 for larger vehicles is between $1 and $2 extra per week. It will be an impost on low-income earners and an extra struggle for families. However, we believe, given there has been no increase apart from CPI increases for such a long time in motor vehicle registration fees, this is a reasonable increase when you consider all the factors at play.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016