Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2014-10-28

This month you announced the Northern Territory would introduce Daniel’s Law and become the first jurisdiction in the country to introduce an online public sex offender register. Can you please update the House on some of the feedback you have received since making this groundbreaking announcement? I have received positive feedback from my constituents, who welcome the courage of this government in being the first jurisdiction to have a public sex offender register.


Madam Speaker, in the early 1990s in Queensland Brett Peter Cowan coaxed a child into a lavatory and raped that child. Upon his release from gaol he moved to the Northern Territory and, whilst living in the area of the Palms Caravan Park, coaxed another child away and raped that child so profoundly and intrusively the child was lucky to escape. Brett Peter Cowan returned, upon his release from gaol, to Queensland, where he then abducted and murdered Daniel Morcombe.

These monsters, unfortunately, exist in our community. They are the lowest of the low and strike fear into the hearts of women and parents everywhere. As a parent, I certainly fear them and fear for the welfare of my own child. The Northern Territory government has determined, after Attorneys-General nationally stepped away from a national public online sex offenders register, to go it alone and introduce a public online sex offenders register in the Northern Territory, so parents and women will be able to find out who these monsters are and where they live in the community.

They will be named, photographed and there will be identifying material so parents and women in our community know who these people are. I understand there are many people who feel this is a retrograde or negative step, but 40 000 people have placed their names against the Daniel Morcombe website announcement, people have passed on that announcement by way of forwarding or sharing those entries on the website in the number of 10 000, and 3100 comments have been made, almost exclusively positive, about the Northern Territory’s steps in this direction.

This government is committed to protecting, as far as we possibly can, the women and children who live in our community. On balance we believe the public identification of these people will enable parents in particular to take the necessary steps to protect their children. It has become a habit amongst some of these paedophiles in the community to target single mothers for their children.

This website will enable single mothers to look at a potential match on the website and determine for themselves as to whether or not they want a person in their life if they appear on that website. The Northern Territory government stands proud in relation to this matter.

I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016