Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-10-24

Can you clarify to the House if you received advice last week from Pacific Aluminium that they would announce they would be reviewing the mine’s operation? Can you advise the House on which day you convened a meeting of the Gas Task Force after meeting with Pacific Aluminium last week?


I understand what this is about. We have been working in good faith. There has been open dialogue between all players. There are conversations on a regular basis; however, if you require us to all sit together in a single room to be able to work through this, I can tell you they have not all sat together in a single room. However, no stone has been unturned in resolving and putting in place a plan of action to deal with this issue.

In relation to face-to-face, sit-down-in-one-room meetings with minutes you can check on, no. It is a task force with delegated responsibilities, which is actively working on a range of options and it is being worked on. I have no concern about the level of communication and commitment, and the contribution of all stakeholders and those who have been delegated with the responsibility to sort this business out. We are working on this project. I remain resolved that we can sort this out.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016