Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2015-03-25

Can you please update the Assembly on the return of Warruwi residents to Goulburn Island after Cyclone Nathan?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. He is deeply concerned about the residents of Warruwi, Goulburn Island, following the second cyclone to hit the coastline in one month. He is very pleased to hear the cyclone has not caused harm; it is without incident.

I also pass on my thanks to everyone involved, paid and unpaid, in the evacuation of residents. This includes volunteer staff, NTES, NT Police, DCF, the Department of Housing and others. It has been a tough time but they have done a fantastic job. To respond to two cyclones in such a short time is difficult.

I am pleased to report that the Warruwi evacuees from the Foskey Pavilion have been transported to the airport for their flight home to Goulburn Island, but it is evident that a cyclone shelter needs to be built on Goulburn Island as one has never been built there. That is an historical matter, but government is now discussing what it can do to establish a cyclone shelter there in the future. What shape that may take is still being discussed. Whether a new hall at the school could double up as a cyclone shelter or otherwise will be discussed internally. It will take a while to design it and whether it will be built before the next Wet Season will be a challenge, but we will work towards that.

It is fantastic to see other stakeholders, such as the East Arnhem Regional Council, the West Arnhem Regional Council, homelands organisations and local authorities involved in the processes of emergency response and recovery phases. Seeing the hard work of companies like ALPA and its participation with RJCP, especially around Milingimbi, Ramingining and Galiwinku is fantastic. Local people are now employed in the response and recovery efforts. Dhimurru rangers and the Yolngu Business Enterprises – YBE – have worked hard.

While it is devastating to have two cyclones come through, the opportunities for recovery to create an economic injection and employment of Aboriginal locals is a positive spin off. We look forward to working with local people as much as possible to get the recovery phase in place and to get things back to normal or better than they were before.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016