Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2013-08-20

Can you advise the House on the progress in delivering the Country Liberals election commitment to improve community safety?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his question. He is a fantastic local member. I feel a little sorry for the member for Daly, having been verbally abused by the Opposition Leader on his first day in parliament - a completely untrustworthy Opposition Leader who likes to bring this parliament into disrepute.

This government is taking responsible action to deal with the scourge of criminal antisocial behaviour in our community. In the past 12 months we have actively sought out the criminal elements in our society to bring the full force to bear on their unlawful behaviour. We are developing a comprehensive policing, justice, and corrections strategy – the Pillars of Justice - with the Attorney-General and minister for Corrections. It will tackle repeat offending, violence, and substance abuse. We are delivering on our promises to the community we made at the last election.

Our commitment for 120 police, getting police on the beat and acting as a real restraint on criminal activity - comparing 31 July 2013 to 31 August 2012, there are an additional 112 police on the books at the moment. Our Safe Street Audit has commenced with stakeholder consultations completed in July and a report due in October this year. Boot camps - so juveniles know how serious we are about these changes - have already commenced. We are changing behaviours, thanks to the minister for Corrections. Work camps and our Sentenced to a Job program - so criminals give something back to the community and when they have done their time there is something to go back to, not just a revolving door of recidivism - are just some of our approaches.

Alcohol policy reforms, treating the problem not bandaiding over the top …

Members interjecting.

Mr GILES: Many people ask me how our mandatory alcohol rehabilitation program compares with the previous government’s alcohol rehabilitation program. It does not, because there was not one under Labor. It was let people have alcohol problems and do nothing about it. We respect the right of the chronic alcoholic to get treatment. We respect the rights of chronic alcoholics, the people who abuse alcohol, who do not have a destiny in life outside alcohol. We give those people the opportunity to have a future, to protect themselves, protect their children, their families and their communities. That is what we are committed to. We are prepared to fight to make a difference in people’s lives.

We have introduced new legislation such as changes to drug testing, one punch laws, serious sex offenders’ legislation, the Criminal Code Act and sentencing amendments. We are investing in better infrastructure like more police stations, upgrading police stations, CCTV cameras and finishing the correctional centre. We have concrete commitments to additional support in call centre staff across the Territory. We have improved call centre wait times. We have reduced the amount of alcohol-induced antisocial behaviour on our streets. Our protective custodies are reducing.

We have been busy in the last 12 months improving community safety on the streets of the Northern Territory and Territorians are thanking us for it.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016