Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HIGGINS - 2013-03-27

Can the minister please tell the House why the government is persisting with the container deposit scheme?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Daly for his question, which I appreciate. There is a simple answer. This scheme is about the people and for the people. Our decisions are the reaction to the people’s attachment to this scheme. Territorians love the scheme because we are no different to anywhere else in the world. We all like a few extra coins jingling in our pockets and everyone feels good about doing their bit for the environment; it goes without saying. Other reasons are that families and kids do it together and it can be a team effort for clubs. It is also useful to set goals and other achievements.

The popularity of the scheme has been growing steadily and returns now about 40% of containers sold. That is about $100 000 a week going to families, schools, community groups, organisations and businesses. Let us not forget that Territorians have paid millions of dollars for drinks to the drink companies. They paid the surcharge that came in when the recycling scheme started. This was known as the deposit that would be refunded when the containers were taken back to depots.

As I just stated, nowhere near 100% of the containers have been returned, so the drinks companies have pocketed millions by not returning the deposits. The drinks giants took all the cake, returning just a few crumbs.

Territorians have been let down badly by the previous Labor government because it was a poorly-developed scheme. They had the chance to use and draft strong, robust legislation that would stack up. They needed a draught horse, what they designed was a donkey.

We are not just talking about the popularity of the scheme to individual Territorians. Groups, clubs, sporting teams, schools, and community groups have taken to it with enthusiasm. Many schools took to collecting with gusto. Students moved the team activity and extra funds for schools are always useful. Seventy-five schools received a grant to buy trailers for the collection of containers. Can you imagine what it means to organisations to be able to collect cans and get ready cash they can use for activities and other supplies?
The scheme has generated income for communities and presented an opportunity for small businesses to prosper through recycling. One enterprising health worker inspired her community to clean up the environment in exchange for healthy snacks. They loved the communal activity and the land was picked bare of containers. Every time a vehicle went into town they took a bag or two of containers. Healthy snacks came back and everyone was happy.

As our Chief Minister stated, we are in government solely to work for the people. The scheme is just one example of how we will do our upmost to support the people. Again, we are fixing the messes of the previous government. It is not good enough and it is hypocritical of you guys to sit there and say you got it right. You got it wrong!

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016