Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2012-10-24

Can you inform the House what the Real Housing for Growth initiative is and what it is expected to achieve?


Madam Speaker, I thank the honourable member for Sanderson for his question and ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It is a technical standing order. It is anticipating debate in the House. There is a statement on this. Of course, he will give his answer. I am only raising it because the Leader of Government Business tried to shut down one of the opposition members last night in the adjournment debate regarding the urgency motion on tourism. The tourism shadow spokesperson was pointing out it gives no time for any consultation with tourism operators anywhere in the Territory to deal with it on urgency.

You wanted to use that technicality to shut us down last night. I am pointing out the technicality exists now; however, we would love to hear the answer from the Chief Minister.

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! She is referring to Standing Order 68. The statement to which she refers is not on the Notice Paper, which is one of the requirements of Standing Order 68. It is not on the Notice Paper, therefore not in breach of Standing Order 68.

Mr MILLS: There is no substantive issue here if the Opposition Leader were to be circumspect in that - but, Opposition Leader, you asked me this question yesterday. You wanted clarification yesterday and I gave you some clarification. Obviously you are concerned with technicalities rather than a solution to a very real problem.
    I am more than happy to provide further information on what is a most serious issue. I am sure the member for Sanderson and other members are equally concerned that the great opportunities the Territory has are being constrained by the failed programs that were put in place at terrible expense by the former government, which we have committed ourselves to repairing.
      I suspended the My New Home program because it was not capable of fulfilling the policy objectives it was set out to fulfil. It was contributing to the escalation in housing prices and having an impact on the Territory budget. The fact is that the shared equity programs the previous government implemented did not result in investment in new homes. What they resulted in was 93% of purchases being of existing properties. Can you see the problem?

      I fully support that it is an incumbent responsibility of government to help those who are in need. We should help people who need that little bit of an extra hand and want to realise the great Australian dream. So our measure, which is real housing for growth, targets the capacity of people to buy new assets. That increases the supply. Your measures have just increased demand.
      Last updated: 09 Aug 2016