Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-27

In July when the Commonwealth’s carbon price increased power and water bills by $130 a year you said Territorians could not afford it. What has changed in five months which means they can now afford a $2000 a year increase?


Madam Speaker, we had a fundamental and philosophical objection to the carbon tax. The carbon tax, as a tax, contributes nothing and deals with nothing.

This necessary - you know it is necessary - increase in tariffs deals with something that is very real: our debt levels and the long-term sustainability of our utility. That is the very stark difference.

The carbon tax adds nothing and it should not be imposed because it contributes naught, whereas the tariff increases put our own utility, granted unpopular - it will be difficult for Territory families and other Australians having to face up to the increased cost of electricity - it deals with the long-term interests of the Northern Territory and time will bear this out. Territorians will know we have made a hard but necessary decision and it secures the future for the Northern Territory. Carbon tax does nothing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016