Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CHANDLER - 2014-03-19

Madam Speaker, I have some further information in regard to a question asked by the member for Barkly, the former Minister for Lands and Planning.

Lots 989, 990 and 994 Standley Street were auctioned by the Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment on 14 September 2013. Why? We are trying to stimulate growth in Tennant Creek. All lots are zoned general industry. No lots were sold at the auction, however, negotiations were held with the highest bidders - whoever they might have been - following the auction, which is the usual procedure. All three lots were sold during the negotiation period following the auction. Conditions of the auction require all purchasers to comply with the conditions of a Crown lease to ensure the timely development of all lands sold by auction processes.

To put this to bed, everything has been done by the book and by the department trying to stimulate the economy in Tennant Creek.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016