Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-01

On 16 August, Moody’s credit rating agency rated the Territory AA1 with a stable outlook. The figures in the budget are confirmed in the PEFO and by your hack political Renewal Management Board. Your Treasurer, on Territory FM on 29 September, said the Territory’s financial circumstances, ‘Isn’t that dire’. Why are you hurting Territorians with planned hikes in power, water, and sewerage prices going straight to the core issue of the cost of living for Territory families and small businesses?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Opposition Leader for the question. There are about three different elements to your question. The accusations you are railing in your first attempt at a question were trying to shoot the messenger rather than listening to the message. If you are going to make reference to a group of men who have collectively over - it may be a concern to some of you where gender is a major issue. It is the message provided by those who have, collectively, 150 years of service to the Northern Territory, 50 years of collective experience in finance and Treasury, and academic teaching in engineering, both domestic and international. They have doctorates, technical training and qualifications, including qualifications in economics and finance from Australian institutions and overseas institutions, including Duke, Harvard, and Stanford University in the USA. They are members of a range of professional organisations. When you go to Moody’s now ....

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. Why are you hiking up power prices when Moody’s rated us with a stable outlook, and your own Treasurer, on 29 September, said our financial circumstances ‘isn’t that dire?’

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, can you get to the point please.

Mr MILLS: You would know the answer to the question. Nonetheless, when an assessment is made of the economic prospects of the Northern Territory, anyone can see we have great potential and opportunity. The question to be answered by those who are managing the affairs of the Northern Territory is: are you living within your means, are you making use of the resources you have to ensure you have the capacity to take opportunity as it is provided?

There is opportunity. Yes, we are very fortunate. However, we are unfortunate in the sense we have had an administration racked by fiscal ill-discipline. It took its eye off the ball and racked up debt on the credit card and made commitments without making any serious long-term plan of how to deal with it. Even the Labor administration in Tasmania has taken this seriously and managed to forecast a plan to get out of debt. Even your colleagues in Canberra have had the resolve of foresight to lead in the best interest of the future of the nation ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Did you see the New South Wales Auditor-General found New South Wales ...

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, there is no point of order.

Mr MILLS: Your federal counterparts have had the foresight to recognise their responsibility to provide national leadership and acknowledge that debt has to be repaid ...

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016