Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2012-10-30

Can you set out how Territorians will benefit from a three-hub economy and the effects of not having such a strategic focus?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Stuart for a very important question. It is a broad concept, I know, and probably hard for some to grasp. Strengthening and expanding our capacity to work and earn, the opportunities that rise from a growing economy will deliver not only greater self-reliance for the Northern Territory as a whole, but filter down to benefits for individuals in suburbs and, very importantly, in the communities - wherever people in the Northern Territory live.

Our plan for a three-hub economy will draw out resources and materials to be exported, creating a link from the supply of goods in the regions to the markets in our north. Our economy will grow through drawing in people and investment to build the infrastructure needed to make that happen, and opening up business opportunities in communities. While we are expanding ...

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I ask the Chief Minister to table the notes he is reading from.

Madam SPEAKER: Are you prepared to table those notes?

Mr MILLS: He knows full well they are private notes, don’t worry about it. Just listen to the material, I think you will be enlightened.

While we are expanding the non-government sector of the economy we will also maintain the delivery of services people need. In contrast, the failed policy of the opposition when in government gave us an absolute reliance on one single project, and while they were fixated on attracting a major project they failed to deliver underlying economic growth and development.

The opposition failed spectacularly in land release. They locked us up in red tape over much needed housing construction. They gave us some of the most expensive public housing in the world through their mismanagement of the SIHIP program: $1m a home. They stifled growth in the agricultural and the pastoral sectors and stood idly by while the heart was cut out from the live cattle export trade. They did it while the mining boom grew. They wallowed in self-promotion while the tourism industry declined. They watched over as education outcomes failed Territorians and they brought the Territory to the edge of a financial abyss.

My government will bring us back from the abyss and turn around these misfortunes. My government will broaden the Territory economy through our three-hub plan and will deliver growth for all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016