Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2014-05-14

I refer to Budget Paper No 2, page 83, the ‘Public Non-Financial Corporation Sector Comprehensive Operating Statement’, and I seek leave to table a copy of that page.

Leave is granted.

Mr McCARTHY: Please explain what delivers the $322m improvement, described as:
    Other economic flows - other comprehensive income

    COMPREHENSIVE RESULT - total change in net worth before transactions with owners in their capacity as owners.


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Barkly for his question. He will have an enormous opportunity in a couple of weeks when we go through the estimates process, but I thank him for the question. There are savings all through this budget. There is no aspect of government that we have left alone.

Trying to cut waste and find efficiencies in the system has been an incredibly difficult task. I pay tribute to all ministers in this government, chief executives of agencies and senior managers in departments, because we have gone through every nook and cranny of government spending to find those areas of waste.

As I said, it has been an exercise in rats and mice, but those rats and mice add up to big savings over the forward estimates.

We have done a very good job in this budget of reducing Labor’s debt, reducing the deficit and delivering a secure future for our children.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016