Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2013-02-21

During the 2012 election the Country Liberals promised to help childcare centres with the cost of replacing toys and equipment. Can you please explain how this commitment is going?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arafura for his question. Today we are about good news on this side of the House, not dragging through the gutter trying to pull people down to their level. We have talked about affordable housing throughout the Northern Territory, some great news - 2000 affordable homes coming online thanks to this government. We have just heard from the Chief Minister – finally, land release, the greatest contributor to the cost of living - an increase in accommodation costs of 260% under the former Labor government during the 11 years of misery it put Territorians through.

This is about childcare centres. The toy and equipment grant scheme we have up and running is more good news from this Country Liberals government under a great Chief Minister, Terry Mills.

Today I am delighted to share with parliament this great scheme. We have 73 childcare centres in the Northern Territory eligible for extra funds to buy educational equipment, toys, and other gear to stimulate the education and experience of children in childcare centres across the length and breadth of the Northern Territory. This ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. That scheme has been in place for years.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point or order. Deputy Chief Minister, please continue.

Mrs LAMBLEY: What about me? The former Treasurer has to remind us she really failed as Treasurer. Her bleats from the other side are reinforcing the fact she failed miserably. However, as the new Country Liberals government, we are well on track to fulfilling our election commitments. This was one of them.

I was at the Stuart Park Child Care Centre this morning. They have around 60 childcare places. The centre will be eligible for $85 per child under the new grant system, which equates to around $4000 or $5000 every two years. That childcare centre will benefit from this grant enabling it to replenish and refresh its toys and equipment.

This is good news for working families that depend on childcare centres for the care, stimulation, and education of their children. It is, in fact, in the mini-budget - contrary to what you hear from the other side of parliament. We increased the budget for children and families by $10m this financial year, the most ever spent on child protection and children and families in the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016