Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2013-02-19

The member for Nelson stated in the media the government needs to act with guts, not with a whimper, in its fight against the legal challenge by Coca-Cola and others to our container deposit legislation. Can you inform the House why he need not worry?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for her question. We appreciate the encouragement from the sidelines in this great battle. It is an important battle, and one that would be of great concern for the member for Nelson. However, it is unfortunate the member for Nelson has never sought a briefing on the details of this legal challenge. I question whether taking this opportunity to make commentary from the sides is a demonstration of real concern about the issue, or if he wanted to say something.

The container deposit scheme ...

Members interjecting.

Mr MILLS: Do not get too upset about this, focus on the issue. You should get a briefing on the legals around this so we can make a contribution and fight together as Territorians.

The container deposit scheme is very important and successful. Territorians have taken ownership of it and want to see it continue as a means of reward-based recycling.

More than 52 million containers have been deposited since 3 January 2012 when the scheme commenced. This shows the support it has gained in the wider community.

Late last year, Coca-Cola informed us they would be challenging our scheme on an argument of constitutional invalidity. The government has instructed our legal team, headed by our outstanding Solicitor-General, to pull no punches in bringing the fight to these multinational corporations. The court case is being heard in Sydney today. There is national media attention because this is yet another example of the Northern Territory having to fight - and fight hard - for the right to govern itself. Like the Leader of the Opposition’s puppet master, the Prime Minister, this is an example of southern powers trying to tell the Northern Territory what we can or cannot do.

For some background, Coca-Cola Amatil is a multinational corporation with revenue of almost $4.5bn every year. It is well worth noting that, in the recent Keep Australia Beautiful branded litter study, Coca-Cola products are the No 2 contributor to all litter in Australia. Lion, who has partnered with Coca-Cola and Schweppes in this challenge, is reportedly the ninth largest contributor to litter in Australia.

However, the real issue today is the capacity for the Northern Territory to make laws for the Northern Territory. I have written to all members of COAG, the Premiers and Chief Ministers of Australia, asking them to support the Northern Territory’s right to have a container deposit scheme. I am pleased to say the Premier of Queensland and the Chief Minister of the ACT have both given their support. Although not necessarily fans of container deposit legislation, they are believers in the rights of the Northern Territory. I call on other Premiers to give their support today.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016