Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-05-14

Clearly, the Treasurer has not read his state final demand figures which he will be handing down in this budget. I hope you have because you sat around the Cabinet table at Budget Cabinet.

Page 3 of your Economy budget paper shows you inherited state final demand which increased to 26% this year under Labor. That is our domestic economy growing at 26%. However, your next year forecast for state final demand is minus 15% and will stay negative across the next four years. It has gone from 26% growth - record growth under Labor - to minus 15% and negative across the next four years under the CLP. You are strangling our domestic economy and Territory businesses. These state final demand figures mean businesses will close their doors and private sector jobs will be slashed. What have you to say compared to that clown next to you …

Madam SPEAKER: Your time has expired, Opposition Leader.


Madam Speaker, I ask that the Opposition Leader withdraw that word.

Ms LAWRIE: I withdraw ‘clown’. Buffoon will suffice.

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I draw your attention to Standing Order 112(2).

Ms Lawrie: I withdraw. He has his paperwork from Chandler now.

Madam SPEAKER: The Opposition Leader has withdrawn. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr GILES: Madam Speaker, as I said before, we are not going into the budget.

You talk about what you left us; I will tell you something you left us: a lack of land release, housing, and housing affordability. These are the things you left behind. We have already seen announcements through the paper that $20m is going into land release at Bellamack through subdivision. The Housing minister is identifying sites for redevelopment to ensure we have an increase in housing. What you left behind was a legacy of insufficient housing for growth in the Northern Territory.

These are core concerns we are addressing through our budget by ensuring we have land available, have properties that can be developed, and can support small business outside of government.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. I know they want to ignore the fact the budget paper shows state final demand will be minus 15% in the coming financial year as a result of the decisions the CLP is making to strangle businesses right across the Territory. How do you take state final demand positive growth at 26%, at a record high under Labor, and strangle business at minus 15% under the CLP?

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Whilst we appreciate the right of members to call points of order, I ask that the speeches being delivered by the Leader of the Opposition be truncated much more quickly than they currently are.

Madam SPEAKER: I remind honourable members that when there are points of order the clock stops, so it limits the number of questions either side, or the Independent, can ask.

Madam SPEAKER: Opposition Leader, please be seated, thank you. Chief Minister.

Mr GILES: Wait for the budget to be handed down.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016