Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms WALKER - 2015-09-17

Are you aware the bullying and threatening behaviour towards female members of this Assembly last night would constitute a breach of the Code of Conduct if committed by a public servant? Such behaviour would give rise to disciplinary proceedings under the Public Sector Employment and Management Act and could result in demotion or termination of employment. Why is there one standard for public servants and another for ministers?


Mr Deputy Speaker, I thank the member for her question. It seems a bit odd to still be fielding questions about a topic that has already been canvassed over the course of two hours of debate in this House. We take issues of bullying in the workplace seriously, and the public sector has measures in place that deal with that type of behaviour. Different to the public service, as has been described by a number of people in this House today, is politics and what happens in the robustness of debate, including the freedom of speech expected within this House and the ability for members to stand up and say what they think. The member for Fong Lim described the Westminster system of parliamentary debate and how important it is for the democratic process to remain as robust as it is.

When I hear this type of question from those opposite, it makes me think back to the comments they often make and some of the things they say across the House. I will look at some of those examples again. Ms Walker said on 29 April 2015:
    And I tell my constituents how useless you are and that you do not care about them.

Mrs Price then said:
    I take offence to that.

Is that not bullying?

Ms Walker: It was not a threat of violence.

Mr WESTRA van HOLTHE: The member for Nhulunbuy also said on 19 March 2014:
    I had the briefing, you goose.

Is that not bullying across the Chamber?

There are many examples I can point to where the member for Nhulunbuy, and other members opposite, have used words in this Chamber to bully members of the government. I notice they have some targets over here. The member for Stuart, minister Price, often seems to be the target of those opposite, which is reprehensible and disgraceful behaviour by those opposite. They not only attack the government, but an Aboriginal woman who is working very hard as a competent minister in this government. Yet you try to shoot her down in flames whenever you get the opportunity.

Do not come in here lecturing this government about bullying. Your behaviour is absolutely disgraceful.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016