Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2012-12-05

Can you tell the House about the measures your government is taking to lay the foundation for affordable housing in Darwin, particularly in the Palmerston and Litchfield areas?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale. This is an issue that is of real concern, particularly to the people of the electorate she represents, the good people of Drysdale. There is no doubt the cost of living is too high in the Northern Territory, and in Darwin in particular ...

Ms Walker: You made it higher! Thank you very much.

Mr MILLS: What? We have created this in three months? Where do you think it came from? You live in a fool’s paradise in opposition.

We are taking responsibility and dealing with the issue ...

Ms Lawrie: You are taking a wrecking ball to the Territory.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr McCarthy: Yes, you have new parameters.

Mr MILLS: Yes, you just yell out in Question Time. Big hit, big hit.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr MILLS: Some of the recent decisions taken by my government will impact on the cost of living; we accept this. We will not make it up. We know it will impact on the cost of living. We have explained why, and I reckon Territorians will understand why. I regret that.

However, overwhelmingly, the greatest item on the cost of living is the cost of housing. This government will reconfirm an allocation of $47.6m for residential developments, $4.6m for public housing at Bellamack, $6.1m at Zuccoli for social housing, $2.4m to construct seven two-bedroom units at Rosebery, $12m for Howard Springs Road, and $12.8m for continuing headworks for residential development around Palmerston.

Palmerston and the rural surrounding areas are among the fastest growing regions in …

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It would be remiss of me not to thank the Chief Minister for acknowledging all the Labor initiatives in his …

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Barkly, you are on a warning!

Mr MILLS: We are not involved in politics we are about fixing up the problems. It is not about taking credit, it is about doing the job, mate.

We have provided $300 000 in 2012-13 to upgrade the Satellite City BMX facility in Palmerston, and a $2m grant to support the expansion of Somerville’s community centre in Palmerston. This government is addressing the long-term future and the high cost of living in the Northern Territory with a comprehensive and well-thought-out plan, unlike the opposition which had no concept of planning other than to use a credit card.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016