Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FYLES - 2012-10-31

On the Thursday before the election, on a nationally televised debate, the Chief Minister guaranteed no public servants would lose their jobs. Through our Job Watch website we have been advised 16 Territorians’ jobs in the Office of Children and Families have been axed, either through redundancy or temporary contracts being ceased. Can you confirm this number is correct? If so, have these positions been lost and what are you doing to fill these gaps? Why have you changed your priorities from people to profits?


Madam Speaker, I take on board the final comment in the question from the member for Nightcliff. There will be no profit in this organisation called government for quite some time thanks to the legacy left by the former government.

In answer to your question, a similar answer to what was given by the Minister for Health where we have not renewed contract positions as a means to save money across the board. We have made no secret of that. We are retaining all frontline workers. We are committed to maintaining the current level of service and trying to increase the level of service delivery in child protection because we are committed to child protection, looking after the needs of children and families throughout the Northern Territory, unlike the former government which had six independent reports written during its time in government outlining its failures. It is quite hypocritical for the member for Nightcliff, the shadow minister for Children and Families, to come into this House and start throwing stones at us.

They started the process of reform; however, there is a heck of a long way to go. We are committed to ensuring the reform processes continue to fix the mess left in the child protection arena by the former government. We will not be sacking any frontline workers. When it comes to contract workers, that is a different kettle of fish; we have made no secret of it. We have to make savings somewhere and some of those positions will go.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016