Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2015-12-01

On the weekend the CLP endorsed Carolyn Richards as your candidate for Goyder. Carolyn Richards is well known to this side of the House as a vigorous opponent of the gas industry; she was opposed to the INPEX site and gas pipelines in particular.

I seek leave to table a 69-page submission, which is clearly against the INPEX project in Darwin and gas pipelines, written by Ms Reynolds.

Leave granted.

Mr McCARTHY: How do you explain the CLP pre-selecting a candidate who is diametrically opposed to your government’s policy of supporting the gas industry?


Madam Speaker, I am sorry, I do not know anyone called Carolyn Richards.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! He clarified it and said Ms Reynolds.

Madam SPEAKER: Yes, he did clarify it, Chief Minister.

Mr GILES: He needs to get his question right.

It was probably irrelevant as it came from the member for Barkly. He is the kind of bloke who says he supports the gas pipeline, but does not want to put anything through it. He says in this Chamber he supports it then goes out amongst his constituents and bags it out, speaking with a forked tongue, which is unlike Labor.

It is interesting to see him here speaking with a forked tongue as he reflects on …

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, I ask you to withdraw that comment because it references being a liar.

Mr GILES: I withdraw. I reflect on debates from earlier today in the motion of no confidence, and I have been thinking about people who are and are not in your team. As I said earlier in debate today, the Leader of the Opposition should not only show leadership in the Chamber and raise the standards of parliament, but he should apologise to Territorians for wasting $32 000 of taxpayers’ money today by his poorly-crafted stunt in this Chamber.

He should also justify, when he seeks to be a leader and gain self-confidence, how he can take the member for Karama’s vote.

Mr McCARTHY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. How do you explain a candidate opposed to the gas industry being preselected by the CLP?

Mr GILES: We are a broad church; we come from different backgrounds with different opinions, but we all work together. We do not have the unions telling us what to do, pointing at us and making us talk like puppets.

You would hope there was not a union member backing the Leader of the Opposition’s motion today. It was a clear failure and a reflection on your leadership.

But I go back to the question. Poor outcomes have been shown as part of the Stella Maris debate; confidence in the member for Karama has been eroded in public - taking Territorians’ assets and giving them away to union mates. This is the most recently disgruntled member of a political party to leave their party, creating disunity. How can you take her vote, Leader of the Opposition? That is a question you need to answer, because she is discredited in this Chamber, just like the member for Barkly.

How can you take their votes when you want the confidence of this Chamber? That is a serious question that you must answer, Leader of the Opposition. You have done a dirty deal with the member for Karama.

Mr ELFERINK (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016