Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2012-11-27

Will you, in recognising the extremely important role non-government organisations contribute to the community, confirm the government will pass on substantial pay increases recently recommended by Fair Work Australia?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Sanderson for his question. This will annoy the opposition because it is not all bad news. That is what you would like to drum up and provide no leadership. This government is providing leadership. If there was ever an example of why my government has had to move quickly to clean up this incredible mess left by the previous Labor government, this is it.

There are few people who give back more to the community than – sadly, not the mob on the other side - those employed in the non-government organisations, including our carers, youth workers and social workers who all provide very important community services.

Madam Speaker, the term NGO encompasses the most amazing organisations ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker. How much will these people have to pay in power price hikes? Are you compensating them?

Mr Mills: That is not a point of order.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Leader of the Opposition, please be seated. Chief Minister, you have the call.

Mr MILLS: For example, Anglicare, Life Without Barriers, Australian Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul, Mission Australia - the list is very long. In recognition of this, the Territory government is committed to increasing funding to non-government organisations to cover its share of additional costs arising from Fair Work Australia’s equal remuneration order. This will involve an amount of $75m over the phase-in period, and $17.5m ongoing from the year 2020.

These are huge amounts of money, but the sector richly deserves it. Without the tough but responsible decisions my government is taking we would not have made these provisions; we would not be able to.

The recent power and water increases were not taken lightly or in isolation. They were taken in the context of a whole-of-government budget picture. These tough, but unpopular, power and water decisions will allow the government to properly fund essential services such as those deserved pay increases for the 150 NGOs operating in the Northern Territory rather than artificially propping up the fiscal position of the Power and Water Corporation. Shame on you!

This additional funding from the government-affected Territory NGOs will begin next month. Negotiations with the Commonwealth government regarding additional funding for programs funded through various national agreements are ongoing.

The Territory remains committed to good-faith negotiations with the Commonwealth to ensure total government funding to NGOs in the Territory is both adequate and timely. The methodology unpinning the Territory’s funding package is consistent with offers the Commonwealth is currently issuing to eligible service providers it funds directly.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016