Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BARRETT - 2014-08-19

Following up on the crime statistics, it is interesting to see how the alcohol-related crime has changed since the full suite of alcohol policies has come into effect. Can the Chief Minister please advise the House on how this compares to the opposition’s report card on this matter?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Blain. I know he cares about alcohol-related crime and how it is going right down. Just like the Coles ad - down, down, crime is down.

We came to government with a plan and we got rid of the Banned Drinker Register, which took a punitive approach to everyone in our community and did not target the problem drinker, much like our mandatory alcohol treatment …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. There were 7300 victims of violent assault last year. I do not think they would appreciate the Chief Minister’s levity about the Coles ad.

Madam SPEAKER: Sit down! You know it is not a point of order.

Mr GILES: Here we go! The member for Fannie Bay is trying to lobby himself a little media shot later in the day.

We are driving down one of the biggest problems in the Northern Territory, reducing alcohol consumption and the number of assaults and alcohol-related crimes. We all want zero. We are working toward zero. Let us look at the changes since we removed the Banned Drinker Register. Alcohol mandatory treatment is offering health-based solutions for people with an addiction, and around 400 people have been treated in the first 12 months. After we abolished the Banned Drinker Register we introduced Alcohol Protection Orders, which target those who commit crime while under the influence of alcohol. Currently around 900 are banned from purchasing, consuming or possessing alcohol for between three and 12 months under one of those orders, as well as being banned from attending licensed premises. That was not included in the Banned Drinker Register.

Our temporary beat locations have also been used intensively this year to stop people drinking in dry areas, and have had a huge impact on our regions.

Let us go through some of the crime statistics in relation to alcohol. NT-wide, alcohol-related assaults are down 18%, down 3% in Darwin, 27% in Alice Springs, 15% in Katherine and 47% in Tennant Creek. I have just referred to what has occurred in Mitchell Street since the start of the Darwin Safe strategy - serious assaults are down by 24% in Mitchell Street.

The wannabe Labor leader, the member for Fannie Bay, said Alcohol Protection Orders would not work. He said they look silly. He referred to them as foolish. He indicated that they would have no impact. All we have seen to date is him with egg on his face, looking foolish, because the results are testament to the work we have been doing.

There is no doubt the Country Liberals’ alcohol policies are working, driving down crime, reducing alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory, and are more successful than those of Labor in eleven-and-a-half years of government, particularly when it had the failed Banned Drinker Register, which targeted a punitive measure at everybody in the Territory.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016