Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-11-28

Will you increase motor vehicle registration by 15% in the mini-budget next week?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Opposition for her question. This reminds me of the first Question Time when the shadow minister for Transport and Infrastructure asked some fanciful questions about the Infrastructure department. He was leading up the wrong garden path and I corrected him. He has not said anything to the contrary yet, but I also know he has been lodging written questions about our portfolios and how the public service numbers work. This is the popular strategy.

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance: it is a yes or no answer. Will you hike up motor vehicle registrations by 15% in the mini-budget next week?

Mr GILES: Thank you very much Opposition Leader, we are moving from one popular strategy of public servants to the next popular strategy of Power and Water and now you are moving onto registrations. As you know, the Treasurer will table a mini-budget next week.

As you would well know - it has only been a short time since you have been out of government - registrations are a taxation matter and are not a matter for the Transport minister. I am happy to hand that question over to the Treasurer. You have walked in here before with some of these scurrilous little complaints, running popular strategies from public servant numbers to Power and Water, and now you are talking about registrations.

Mrs LAMBLEY (Treasurer): The mini-budget will be handed down next Tuesday. The opposition will have to wait.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016