Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2015-12-01

You are on the record praising the member for Fong Lim for his work as Treasurer. On Saturday, in a humiliating blow to your authority, he was dumped from your team for the next election. Is this not a vote of no confidence in your leadership, by your own party, and does this not confirm what the Treasurer has previously told Territorians, that the CLP is a nest of vipers?


Madam Speaker, we have just witnessed the parliament of the Northern Territory signal it does not have confidence in Labor or the Leader of the Opposition.

How dare you ask that question? How many jurisdictions in this nation are currently in surplus? There is only one, if I am correct, which is us. How many jurisdictions have been paying back enormous amounts of Labor debt, more than halving it in a three-year period? We have.

The Treasurer has our full confidence. The only person who should be worried about …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 110: relevance. The Treasurer of the CLP has been sacked by the CLP. Is this a vote of no confidence in you as Chief Minister?

Mr GILES: The only person who should be questioning their authority in this Chamber is the Leader of the Opposition, for the pathetic stunt he pulled in parliament this morning.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016