Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr KURRUPUWU - 2014-02-12

This government is determined to enhance the Territory’s cultural institutions. Can you please explain how proposed changes to the MAGNT will lead to more investment in our arts which can be enjoyed by all Territorians and visitors.

Ms Fyles: Is this all you can talk about?


Thank you, Madam Speaker. Sorry what was that? Is this all I can talk about?

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, please direct your comments through the Chair.

Mr CONLAN: One of the most historic, game-changing bills to ever come before the parliament and the member for Nightcliff says, ‘Is that all we can talk about?’ No wonder it took them forever to get this thing off the ground. They could not do it. They did not have the political courage to take on their union mates, but we do. This is an historic day. This is not presumption of debate, but simply a question about providing further investment into arts and museums, and the cultural sector.

Today, we debate an important bill, as I said, one of the most historic and important bills to ever come before the House. It is setting up a statutory authority for the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.

The new structure will bring the popular tourist attraction in line with many cultural institutions around Australia, which is what our investment is. It is about investing in our cultural institutions: our museums; art galleries; libraries; performing arts complexes; theatres; and parliaments. These are the cultural institutions which make great cities, and this is exactly what we are doing with the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.

Allowing MAGNT to become a strong statutory authority will enable it to attract increased philanthropic donations and corporate sponsorship which will further enhance its exhibitions and programs through the acquisition of major art works and scientific material - our items of significance to the Territory’s cultural heritage. It will also enable the institution to place more focus on Asian engagement, a key objective of the Country Liberal government. In the cultural sector it is generally accepted that private donors and corporations are more willing to invest in an independent body rather than a government department.

Our plans will allow MAGNT to directly engage with businesses and the wider community to secure additional financial and in-kind support. The bill for a new act for the MAGNT is, as I said, scheduled to be debated today. The cross-agency transitional working group …

Mr GUNNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 68. The member said he was not anticipating subject, but he is talking about the bill we will be getting to shortly. Question Time is not for presuming debate in the parliament.

Madam SPEAKER: Please pause, minister. Honourable members, I believe it is pursuant to Standing Order 68: anticipation of subject. The bill is up for debate next. Your point of order is upheld. We will go on to the next question.

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I am just seeking some guidance. Without him referring to the bill, or continuing to, I am certain he can answer the honourable member’s question. I understand he still has 55 seconds and I ask him to be afforded the latitude to answer the question without reference to the bill.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, in your remaining time, if you can talk to the question without referencing the bill or the bill’s contents.

Mr CONLAN: I will give it a go. I have 55 seconds, but I suggest the member for Arafura, and his commitment to the arts and what this might bring to the table – this new regime the Northern Territory government has indicated it will do in previous debates, which we have. There was a bill introduced into the parliament last year which will be debated later today. It is a significant step. It empowers the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory and preserves our cultural institutions, which is what this government is trying to do.

Our cultural institutions are of vital importance and the Country Liberal government can bring significant investment to those institutions; the MAGNT is but one of those.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016