Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LEE - 2016-02-10

I have looked at your Aboriginal affairs strategy document and can see that a lot of what you are doing is about economic development for Aboriginal people, particularly in the bush. We hear a lot about what has been happening in the Tiwi Islands with land leases, wood chipping and ferry services. What is your government doing for my electorate and my people, who are most deserving as well?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Arnhem for her question. It is a question about infrastructure and what we are building. The Aboriginal affairs strategy was launched …

Ms Fyles: Maybe you could table the agreement between you and the member for Arnhem.

Mr GILES: It was not your question. Is there any chance you could be quiet so I can answer the member for Arnhem?

One big part of the Aboriginal affairs strategy is about creating an enabling environment and building infrastructure, particularly roads, bridges and telecommunications. We want to do that across the Territory to make sure we connect people, businesses and communities, and give them better access.

You would probably be aware of what we call a $50m program for telecommunications, partnered with Telstra. About $45m to $47m is being spent to connect communities such as Umbakumba. It is about $8m to get fibre optics to Umbakumba so communities have telecommunications. Bulman and Weemol will also be connected from Umbakumba.

Right now a health centre at Ngukurr is being built at a cost of about $5.9m. That is a joint venture partnership between the Yugal Mangi Corporation and Probuild NT. That is one of our new policy initiatives. We are also working on the Roper and Wilton River bridges to see how many jobs we can get in that construction. We are also working to build an extra 7.3 km in the lead-up to some of the bridges at the Roper and Wilton River crossings.

I can also advise that we have a range of works, particularly in the area of major projects, to the tune of about $7m. That includes rebuilding Milingimbi School. I know your electorate is changing and Milingimbi and Ramingining will not be included at the next election. However, right now Milingimbi and Ramingining are having school rebuilds along with Angurugu and Umbakumba trade trading centres, and a new health centre at Numbulwar has been announced.

Ms FYLES: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 241. Will the minister table the agreement he is reading from between him and the member for Arnhem?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, are they notes you wish to table or private notes?

Mr GILES: Madam Speaker, I am reading sections from a report. I am not tabling it.

There is the Numbulwar health centre and we are working out some transport access at Ramingining. I have already mentioned the health clinic, plus we are looking at some culverts on the Umbakumba Road, doing something on the Numbulwar Road and seeking to construct a floodway on the Central Arnhem Road, which is part of your electorate. A lot of infrastructure is being built which will provide a greater level of access and immunity.

I want to see the highest number of jobs in that area going to Aboriginal people.

There is a range of other things happening, including Department of Business investments in Ngukurr and Numbulwar, just to name a couple. Many things are happening in the area and I am happy to give you a briefing. We can give you a lot more information. Thank you very much for your assistance. On my next visit I will be happy to take you there.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016