Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs FINOCCHIARO - 2015-08-27

Can you please outline what the government is doing to make the Northern Territory a safe place to live, work and play?


Madam Speaker, this is just another element of the secret plan. It is good to put another tool in the shed.

As I said in the previous answer, under the former Labor government crime rates rose over the period of a decade by 80%. My home town of Alice Springs felt the brunt of Labor’s failed law and order policy, with all crime statistics increasing out of control. At the same time Labor’s Banned Drinker Register made life difficult for the majority in an attempt to do something. It was not working.

Since we came to government, we have worked hard to ensure the Northern Territory is a place where you can live safely.

Ms Fyles: Worked hard on a secret plan that you might share with us.

Mr GILES: Do you ever stop screaming?

Here you have an opportunity of getting a job, and we have created more than 11 000 additional jobs in the last 12 months. We have the highest participation rate in the country, at 76.3%, and the lowest unemployment rate.

It is the best place to play. Our investment in parks, sport, the environment and culture is second to none.

Since we abolished the Banned Drinker Register, let us look at how things have improved. The suite of alcohol management programs, which Labor has committed to overturn, has resulted in alcohol-related assaults dropping by a massive 13% across the Territory in the last 12 months. They are down by 19% in Alice Springs, 18% in Katherine and a whopping 55% in Tennant Creek. That is success, but Labor will throw all that out.

Since we came to government in 2012, commercial break-ins are down 17% Territory-wide, house break-ins are down across the Territory by 18%, and property damage is down by 15%. Whenever anybody talks about crime in other jurisdictions, they talk about a 1% or 2% figure. We are seeing decreases by 15%, 20% and even up to 55%. These are encouraging statistics.

Every crime is one crime too many. If you want to talk about it, in 12 months’ time during the election campaign we will talk about our successes and how Labor will throw out everything, including alcohol mandatory treatment, temporary beat locations, Alcohol Protection Orders and paperless arrests. You will throw the lot out and crime will go through the roof.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016