Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms FINOCCHIARO - 2013-10-10

I congratulate the minister for joining the ministry. We are proud to have you in that position.

Minister, can you outline to the House what the Giles government is doing for remote NT community infrastructure?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Drysdale for her question. To remind members, on 10 September 2013 I was proud to be sworn in as Minister for Community Services.

Ms Fyles: Yes, because you voted for Adam.

Mrs PRICE: I heard that interjection.
I have enjoyed getting my head around the challenges facing this portfolio. It is a difficult one, as I have only been in the job for three weeks. I will take on the challenges I face. I will be talking to people, unlike the Labor people who use us and become our friends just to get our vote.

The member raised the issue of community infrastructure, which was raised by the member for Barkly several days ago. This is my second question in the House, and what a great question it is. It shows the Giles government has not forgotten the bush, unlike those opposite who were in government for 11 years and did nothing for the bush. Labor took the bush for granted and did nothing. They made promises, they held our hand, and they did not respect Aboriginal people.

I saw that last night in the way they treated the member for Arafura. It was disrespectful. You used the word ‘disrespectful’ today, member for Nightcliff.

I saw for the first time in this House how they treat Aboriginal people. I saw for myself how Labor treats Aboriginal people – me, and the members for Namatjira and Arnhem. They keep bringing up the member for Arnhem. That is disrespectful. The way they treated the member for Arafura last night was so disrespectful. They want to treat us and keep us on the bottom the whole time. For 11 years Labor has treated us that way. They do not want to see Aboriginal people talk ...

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Stand Order 113: relevance. I would like to hear about infrastructure. That would be great.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, you have the call.

Mrs PRICE: There you go. Do you get what I mean? That is what happens when we try to talk about our rights ...

Ms Fyles: Your Chief Minister shuts everyone down.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!
Mrs PRICE: I heard that from the member for Nightcliff. Respect the rights. That was brought up earlier. I saw that last night. It was disgraceful the way the member for Arafura was treated last night. It was shameful!

Mrs LAMBLEY (Acting Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016