Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2013-05-14

Madam Speaker, the member knows he cannot make that accusation unless by way of substantive motion, but I will let that one go to get on with Question Time.

Your budget paper formally hands back funding to the Commonwealth government for the Palmerston hospital. You have scrapped it and the children’s wing at Royal Darwin Hospital. Why are you handing back $100m in capital funding from the Commonwealth which is meant to improve health services for Territorians? How on earth can you defend that as a Chief Minister of the Territory, unless you are more worried about Canberra’s fiscal position because you want to be in Canberra, not here?


Madam Speaker, clearly the Opposition Leader is continuing to try to build a smoke and mirrors campaign to hide from her fiscal incompetence when she was the Treasurer under the previous government. As I have said before, we will not be answering budget questions before the budget comes down. Clearly, the Opposition Leader is misleading in her statements and I will wait until the budget comes down at 11.05 am.

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, withdraw ‘misleading’ please.

Mr GILES: Madam Speaker, I withdraw misleading and say that the Opposition Leader continues to sprinkle her confetti and fairy dust all over the place, making things up. She is completely incorrect, but we will wait until the budget.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016