Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 2014-05-14

Your Treasurer said that building the north means growing our infrastructure, yet next year government agencies and Power and Water will spend less on infrastructure. Government departments will have a cash spend of only $566m in 2014-15 on capital works, much less than the $901m spent under Labor in 2011-12. More than half of health infrastructure spending is revoted from last year, so if you want to build the north you need to start building. You talk a big game, why are you sitting on the bench and letting the Territory go backwards?


Is that the best you have, Gerry? Why am I sitting on the bench? I am sitting on a chair, Gerry. Fair dinkum, is that the best question you have?

We have come out with the best budget the Territory has seen. We knew yesterday you had nothing when you started talking about smoke and mirrors. You could not point to one policy or program yesterday. We watched the news and thought, ‘Right, these guys have nothing’, and you come in with your second question leading like that. It is terrible. I challenge anybody to grab hold of Budget Paper No 4 and Budget Paper No 3 to see what is happening in each agency and what we are doing. Check the road funding - the biggest commitment to road funding the Territory has ever seen.

Ms Lawrie: Thank you, Anthony Albanese, thank you, Labor.

Mr GILES: No, you can talk as much as you want, but it is the biggest contribution by the Territory government in the Territory’s history. We are building roads and bridges across the Territory and opening the country up.

We have the biggest spend in education infrastructure in the Territory’s history; we are rolling it out. We will build classrooms and facilities, but we will not build little basketball shelters or outdoor stadiums. We will build facilities which can teach kids and give them an education, to ensure the smartest kids are coming out of our schools and taking the jobs of the future.

Look at road, education and health funding, the Palmerston Regional Hospital and what we are spending at Royal Darwin Hospital. Look at what is happening in land release: $135m, $50m of which is commercial and $85m which is residential. There are 6500 new lots coming out; it is the biggest land release campaign ever in the Territory’s history. What is happening with the Opposition? Yesterday was D-day for Labor, because from now it is on a downward spiral. There is nothing for you to talk about.

I look forward to your carping, whining and whingeing, which will occur at 11 am for a good 40 minutes, where it will go on and on. It is like an old crank on a car, whining and whining. There is nothing for you to talk about. You do not have any policies. We look at the $5.5bn debt legacy you left us …

Ms LAWRIE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing Order 113: relevance. Do you have anything of substance to say about infrastructure instead of attacking?

Madam SPEAKER: It is not a point of order, sit down.

Mr GILES: There is $5.5bn worth of Labor debt. Do you know the biggest thing about that $5.5bn worth of debt you left us? What did you leave us with? Nothing. Apart from debt interest of 400 and something million dollars a year that we pay, what did we get for our $5.5bn worth of debt?

What we now get, with the Country Liberals repaying your debt and fixing your deficit, is roads, schools, bridges, land release and hospitals. It is family friendly, reducing the cost of living, so to lead with your chin with an appalling question - yesterday was D-Day, today you are on a downward spiral.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016