Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2012-12-05

Your decision to stop funding for Freds Pass Reserve has meant a loss of $2.8m for the main sporting facility in the rural area. Before you made this decision did you have any discussions with the Freds Pass Management Board? Did you discuss the matter with the local CLP members Kezia Purick and Gary Higgins? Since you have become minister, have you bothered to visit Freds Pass to see for yourself what a wonderful facility it is and how it serves the rural community, especially the youth?


Madam Speaker, it is great to have a question from the member for Nelson regarding sport and recreation, something we do not see too often from the previous government. The fact is we are in a pretty serious situation when it comes to the finances of the Northern Territory ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Relevance. Did he talk to the Freds Pass Management Board? Did he talk to the local members? Have you bothered? No, because I know where he is going. This is a specific question and the answer has to be directly relevant according to standing orders.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, if you could answer the question and get to the point.

Mr CONLAN: Thank you, I am getting to the answer. I have not been to Freds Pass since becoming the minister, but I have been to Freds Pass on a number of occasions.

This was a commitment made by the former Northern Territory government that kept you in power, that gave you the power to let them do nothing. They sat on their hands, thanks to you. I have to also say there was a commitment to a 25 m swimming pool ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It has to be directly relevant to the question. The question was specific, and he has gone off to the swimming pool. I will give him a question on that later. Did he talk to the management board? Did he talk to you and the member for Daly? He has answered one part - he has not been to Freds Pass.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, you have the call. Get to the point.

Mrs Lambley: How about you answer the question?

Mr CONLAN: That is a very good idea. It seems the member for Nelson is not interested in the answer. I have three minutes to articulate the answer. There was a bit of a preamble. The previous government was kept in power by you; they did nothing. It was a promise to you, as was the swimming pool. You do not particularly want to hear the answer. I will give you a briefing on it later; that might be the best way. We can just get on with some serious questions in the House ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016