Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs PRICE - 2013-08-22

Centralians did it tough under 11 years of Labor. Can you update the House on some of the work the Country Liberals government is doing to repair the damage, and are there any impediments to the future growth of Alice Springs?


What a bunch of undergraduates we have over here. Not only do they not have their Opposition Leader in the House this morning, the other night they could only muster five people to vote in support of the division on their own censure motion. It is ridiculous.

Arguably, no other region has felt the brunt of Labor’s failure of the last 11 years like Central Australia. I say ‘arguably’ because there is a vast number of regions across the Northern Territory that felt the brunt of Labor’s failures, so it is a pretty close contest.

In the last 12 months, to clean up Labor’s mess, we have appointed an Assistant Commissioner to the Centre and an extra 20 police to the region. We have allocated $2.8m to upgrade Anzac Oval and $2m into the Alice Springs Youth Centre, and we have returned Tourism NT to the Centre.

The biggest impediment to fulfilling our potential future growth for the Centre is housing affordability. Lack of land means increased housing prices, mortgage prices and rents, which restricts growth. It is harder to attract and retain people to Central Australia, and this has a huge impact on local businesses; the flow-on effects are paramount.

We have put into action a plan for 2000 new homes across the Northern Territory. It is called our Real Housing for Growth policy. As a result, 167 new homes will go into Alice Springs and 20 into Tennant Creek. We will head lease 150 units to ease the pressure on the private market in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek ...

Members interjecting.

Mr CONLAN: I will say that again. We will head lease 150 units to ease the pressure on the private market in the Centre. That includes Alice Springs and …

Mr McCarthy interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Barkly!

Mr CONLAN: … Tennant Creek. Member for Barkly, I thought you might be interested to hear this.

We are now fast-tracking our planning for the Kilgariff subdivision by assessing expressions of interest now, not in 2014 as planned by the former Labor government.

While we have identified ad nauseum the litany of failures the previous Labor government has left the Northern Territory, again, housing is one of them. It is part of the shemozzle that was the former Labor government.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016