Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms LAWRIE - 2012-10-24

On the front page of your 100-day action plan you promised to immediately remove drunks from the streets. Why have you broken that promise?


Madam Speaker, I thank the Leader of the Oppositon, out of courtesy, for the question. You see, you would well know that when you change direction, change policy direction which is the decision to do so, it will result in the removal of drunks from the street. That is our objective ...

Ms Lawrie: Immediately.

Mr MILLS: But it is also based on the premise that the former scheme under Labor did that. It did nothing of the kind, in fact it cost us. We immediately commenced the implementation of a new system that will affect real change and bear us out. You will see real results in this field because we are immediately recognising that the scheme which you conned us about, which we had to pay for, was not working. The next step was then to put in 120 extra police and direct efforts to the front line. The efforts have been directed to the front line, the advertising commenced immediately and then we had that extra pressure on the front line.

We are changing direction and that direction will result in a change right across the Northern Territory. It starts with removing a scheme that did not work, that we were told was working - the evidence proves it was not working – and increasing frontline policing where it should be.

The response to the advertising for additional police has been very strong. We will see not only strengthened front lines’ focus but we will see additional police on the front line. We will also see increased penalties for those who are engaged in antisocial behaviour, particularly violence. Then we implement schemes that will affect real change for those who most need help and those who have a problem with alcohol.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016